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Leave a Gift in Your Will

Ready to leave a lasting legacy and support a cause you care about in your Will?

Adding a bequest is the way to go! Dive into the details of the various types of bequests in this quick guide. Let’s make a positive impact together!

Ever wondered what a bequest is all about?

It’s simply the act of gifting something you own after you’re gone, either to someone you know (a beneficiary) or to a charity. When it comes to bequests in your Will, you’ve got options – you can leave a percentage of your entire estate or specify a fixed amount, money, or even specific assets like property, shares, and more.

Now, let’s break down the bequest types for you:

*Pecuniary Bequest: A fixed sum of cash. For instance:

“I bequeath to [Charity Name], ABN [Charity ABN], the sum of [$ Amount] to be used for [insert purpose]. Proof of payment? A receipt from [Charity Name] does the trick!”

*Specific Bequest: A quantifiable gift, be it bonds, jewelry, or even your beach home!

For example:

“I give [Charity Name], ABN [Charity ABN], my beach home at 111 Beach Lane, to be used for [insert purpose]. Receipt proof? Yep, from [Charity Name]!”

*Residuary Bequest: The remainder of your estate after other commitments. Like this:
“I give [Charity Name], ABN [Charity ABN], all of my residuary estate for [insert purpose]. Receipt proof? You got it – from [Charity Name]!”

*Percentage Bequests: A share of the pie, either from the residue or the entire estate. Simple, right?

“I give [Charity Name], ABN [Charity ABN], [insert number]% of my [residuary/entire] estate. Purpose? [insert purpose]. Proof? A receipt from [Charity Name] seals the deal!”

*Contingency Bequest: Adding a twist – fulfilled only under specific conditions. For instance, your next choice if the primary beneficiary isn’t around.

Curious about leaving a bequest in your Will?

It’s a heartwarming way to support charities without impacting your finances during your lifetime.

Formalize your bequest in your Will, and make sure your executor or next of kin is in the loop. Here are a few thoughtful considerations:

*Seek Guidance: We have a Legacy Managers ready to guide you through the process. They ensure your Will is spot-on and help you express how you’d like your bequest used.

*Communication is Key: While it’s a personal choice, consider having a heart-to-heart with your loved ones. Open dialogue ensures clarity and honors your wishes.

* Please Notify Our Charity: If a bequest is on the cards, give us a heads-up. It’s not only helpful for our planning but also allows you to share your vision for the impact.

Leaving a legacy in your legal Will is a chance to transform the world and be a beacon of hope for generations. Choose the type of gifting that aligns with your wishes and estate – a beautiful way to make a lasting difference.

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